Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Struggle Continues, only a Different Day.

   Yes, it's been a while since I've been here to post anything, I've been struggling to make ends meet in this depression we are currently in. I just lost a job about 3 weeks ago now and it was all over a wage issue. I was hired at making a minimum of $28.00 per hour and my boss comes to me one day, pulls me aside and says,"We're gonna put you on another job, supervising a crew of 8 men but the Federal Scale is only $15.80". What happened next is how I lost my cool and my job. I was currently on a Federal D.C. Scale job where I had been Supervisor and pulled the performance rate out of the gutter and into the open field, where we had the ball in our court as a contractor. I was making $44.00 an hr. and we were coming down the home stretch of the job and the Owner's son comes to me with this news, keep in mind he's only taking my position to reap the benefits of finishing the job ahead of schedule. So, I'm out, he's in and he figures that he'll be shining when the job closes and he gets bonus after bonus. So I'm saying to him that he cannot pay me less if I was hired "On paper" @ $28.00 an hour. His reply, "I can pay you whatever the District of Columbia is offering on this Federal Scale job". I saw RED. I began to tell him of all the things that I've done to earn my wages, I told him that I knew what his intentions where and Finally, I told him where he could shove his Federal Scale wages.
   So, now I am expecting the threatening letters from the County I live in, and ultimately a big, fat Court Date. Not to worry, I have landed a pretty secured (Knock on wood) interview on 09/01/2011, so I can only wait for that interview and watch the dollars add up that I owe my suffering Custodial Parent. It is so difficult not to be so full of Contempt & Hate but it literally hangs over my head with every move I make, "IF" & only "IF" I were of the High Society, I could either A.) Afford an attorney to fight my previous employer in court or B.) Not be in this situation in the first place due to my status, there-in lies the problem my fellows, the system is only good for the ones that stay stuck in it.

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