Saturday, July 14, 2012

New hopes, new interest

If you are being victimized by the state you live in by constant puniative measures to force you to pay child support to a woman who you know for a fact does not use a dime of your hard earned money to feed, clothe and nurture any child of yours, you have a right as a Father and a DUTY owed to that child or children to make the laws realistic to the specific dynamic of the details of YOUR case. Every single custody case is different. These custodial parents need to account for every tax-free dollar they recieve from the non-custodial parent.
 Do something about it. Raise awareness, write your city counselperson, write your congressperson and do it every single month until all 50 states realize that Men are the victims here, not the women. Tell your congressman that you want your child-support money to go directly to a State Dept. of Social Services credit card. The card can only be used for items such as: food, clothing, diapers, baby formula, medicines, shoes, 25% of the Mother's monthly rent, 10% in transportation expenses, baby stroller, car seat and other items for your child to live a healthy life.
 Nothing changes if you wait on someone else to change it for you. Be the change. I am not writing this blog to encourage non-payment, I'm writing this for the men who pay their obligation and still feel the current laws treat Men as dead beats. Being a great Father is only the first step.